About six months ago, I went shopping at a mini market.
There is a guy next to me. We are on the beverage section.
I choose healthy drink, like apple juice, orange juice and strawberry milk. Meanwhile, the guy at my side choose about a dozen beer can.
I laugh at the irony. I never drink beer before. The only think I ever drink is soju (korean rice beer).
But it tastes so bad, I don't want to drink it ever again.
I also didn't like coffee. I know a lot of people like coffee, but I don't like the smell.

If there's an amount of how much I drink coffee for my entire life. My answer will definitely NO MORE than a cup. Without coffee, I still can awake almost 48 hours straight. I'm a little bit insomniac. I am a light sleeper. I woke up at a smallest sound and hardly to get any sleep again.
I can't sleep in different environment. Sometimes, I fell jealous at someone who can easily sleep anywhere and anytime they want. Well I just have to live my life being a "light sleeper".
Yurina Sydney
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