Saturday 12 January 2013


A Good writing came from many research, personal experience, and lots of reading. But Great ones come from the HEART. 

I have a collection of poems. I give those poems to my friends over the years. I met many kind of people. Most of them are the opposite of me. But it is interesting how  I learn to adapt to their behavior or how they learn to adapt to mine. I guess that's what friendship means. To make you a better person without having to change your personality. 

I have all the poems hand written, some of them are a gift-wrapped poems. I just think that giving presents to your friend with a simple poem will make the gift more heart warming.

I don't mind having a poem as a gift instead of the real thing. It is the simple things that move my heart. Once, I cried during opening a gift from my mom. It is her hand written lyrics from the song I liked. 

So here in this page, I will enlist all the poems I have wrote for the past years.

A poem for mom

A Gift-Wrapped Poem

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