A lovely black bird in the morning....

I always come early every morning to work. So I'm the first person to come to my office at the fourth floor. One day, there is a little knocking sound on the glass window of my office. I turn around left and right, but nobody was there. So I walk around to find the culprit and finally find the little black bird. I was a little bit surprised. The bird keep pecking at the glass. So I touch the glass using my forefinger and peck back. The bird stopped for a while, but then it pecked back again. I smile at the bird.
I think the bird just want to say "Hi". Or maybe the bird is practicing how to peck.Ha ha. I'm not Dr. Doolittle who can speaks to animal. So I don't know what the bird's mind. But every day since then, the bird is always peck at my office window.
Sometimes I peck back, sometimes I just watch it pecking the glass. I'm afraid to open the window because then the bird will fly away.
Day by day I'm getting used to hear the bird's pecking voice. It is like it accompanies me every morning before I do my daily job. There is no one notice the bird except me, because the bird will only be pecking at almost the same time and leaving not long after that.
But one day, the bird didn't come. I wait for the bird for a long time. I really miss the bird. Until now I don't know what happen to the bird. I just hope the bird found a better life beside glasspecking at my office window. I hope the bird have a family.
Yurina Sydney
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