Saturday 12 January 2013

A Different Path

This story happened on August 27, 2008.

I choose a different way to my office today. And then I wonder what if I choose a different way about my life. A teacher told me that life is a matter of choice. I think he is right. You can't turn back time, and choose a different way. Once you choose one path, you have to go through it. The question is, what if you choose the wrong path?
Until now, I'm still not sure about the path I choose, but I just don't want to worry about the other path.
Because what's done is done. But as a human, I can't help myself of wondering "what if" scenario. If there is an angel giving me a second chance in life, will I choose a different path?
I still didn't know the answer yet :)
If I had a chance to reborn into someone else, will I take it? 

Here is what I know for sure. If I had a "Time Machine" and I can go back to the past. What would I do?

There is only one thing I'd have done. Meeting the people. People who had gone from this world. My grandparents. 

Would I choose to change the past? NO. 
Just let the past be the PAST. It's what made me who I am.

Yurina Sydney

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