Saturday 12 January 2013

How to cure hiccups

Hiccups can be pretty annoying. 

It came when we least expect it. Usually happens on rainy days when the temperature drops. According to the scientific explanations,  the hiccups occurs because of the diaphragm spams. The diaphragm is a large muscle between your chest and abdomen. Normally, it moves down when we inhale and then up when we exhale. But when we have a hiccups, the inhaling and exhaling process is interrupted. I won't go any details about how this hiccups appear, but I have been experiencing many times, and I have some tips to stop this hiccups almost immediately.

Prepare some warm water in a plastic bottle and do this step by step.

  • Lift your head a little bit.
  • Pinch your nose with your left fingers. I know you won't be able to breath. Just bear it for a couple of seconds.
  • Drink the warm water from the bottle, and swallow slowly.  Don't take a big gulp, just take a little sip from the water. In about 20 seconds or more, you will be suffocated for air, bear with it for a while and continue swallowing the water slowly. Then, if you already feel suffocated enough, stop the drinking and release your nose. Take a deep breath and voila.... the hiccups is gone.
  • If you don't have warm water, cold water works too. But I suggest drinking the warm water because it will calm down your stomach.
  • Don't stop pinching your nose too soon, because the hiccups will reappearing again. So if you can hold your breath as long as you can, just do that.
The above method works for me every time I have a hiccup. So I hope it will work for you too.

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