Thursday 10 January 2013

Review Book : Sophie Kinsella - I've Got Your Number

Title : I've Got Your Number

Author : Sophie Kinsella 

Pages: 433 

Date: October 31st 2011

Publisher: The Dial Press

Poppy is just a simple and sweet girl. She has everything that she ever wanted. An ideal fiance named Magnus Tavis, a great job she loves, and a wedding day to plan. Unfortunately, lady luck has left her on the day she lost the "family heirlom" engagement ring in a hotel fire drill. To make matter worst, she also lost her phone. All she has now was an abandoned phone that found in a trash can. At least, she can asked the hotel to call her on that phone when they found her ring.

But as the days counting out for her wedding day, the visit from Marcus intimidating parents, and the owner from the previous phone, Sam Roxton, wants his phone back, can Poppy handle all of that?

It's strange how one moment can change your life forever. With one simple phone, Miss Kinsella can write four hundred pages of mishap, loveable character, and what modern technology can bring you an endless possibility.

It is interesting to read the interaction between Poppy and Sam, the complete opposite of her trait, and also the interaction between Poppy and her friends who have a physical therapy clinic together. The dialogue writing is witty and refreshing.

The footnotes are meant for an insult to Poppy who didn't come from an intelectual family background like his fiance did. But somehow it completes the book.

Every heroine Miss Kinsella writes is an easy going person, impulsive and cheerful. That's why this book is a light comedy to enjoy when you want to have a big laugh on the day after work. If you don't like reading a book with a lot of footnotes - don't read it. Footnotes are Miss Kinsella's trademark. Miss Kinsella has successfully makes a name of herself on chicklit literate with her previous work the Sophaholic Series. And also there is one coming this year on early May titled "Wedding Night".

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